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Priya Prakash :: P r i y a s c a p e :: Design Of Tools, Conversations & Experiences
BBC Crufts: Mobile event engagement
The Brief
BBC Events wanted to explore how tomake events more 360 (multi-platform).

The Opportunity
Introduce new audiences to Crufts. Taking
something staid and making it viral ,irreverent. Support existing audiences into a digitalworld by getting them to cover Crufts for you.
Increase reach by aggregration and harnessing the web (external UGC sites

The Outcome
Came up with a mobile and web campaign whereby people could text CRUFTS to a shortcode when they were at the event, to get a timetablel of events, maps and could send in pictures of their favorite dogs.

cufts audience

evenst flow diagram

The Strategy

Came up with a mobile and web campaign whereby people could text CRUFTS to a shortcode when they were at the event, to get a timetabel of events, maps and could send in pictures of their favorite dogs. Also tried to work out a way where you could have an "unofficial" crufts by people casting a vote on mobile/web to rate their favorite dogs. The initial proposal had an online widget and UGC channels across Flickr, You tube etc whereby people could vote for their favourite dog.
unofficial crufts badgeAlso tried to work out a way where you could have an "unofficial" crufts by people casting a vote on mobile/web to rate their favorite dogs. The initial proposal had an online widget and UGC channels across Flcikr, You tube etc whereby people could vote for their favourite dog.
embedded on youtube
Project links

Crufts producer Glen Bartons blog
BBC Crufts
People's submitted photos

Personal involvement:
Innovation executive working with BBC events and BBC Mobile Team.
Related news
BBC drops TV coverage of Crufts

BBC Crufts Mobile event engagement