Project Miljul started out as
an ethnographic investigation on how wireless technologies affected
the daily lives of people engaged in highly mobile street-based professions
in urban Indian cities: Mumbai, Pune, Banglore, and Delhi.
Project Miljul received a research fellowship
from New media organisation SARAI,
Delhi to study alternative service propositions for Indian mobile phones,
based on popular urban Indian street culture
Project Miljul was presented at:
O'Reilly ETech 2004 [Speaker]
[Session Untethered]:
Project Miljul: A
study in Wireless Service Design for Emerging markets
Download presentation from here
[ppt 6.9MB]
HP Contextual Invention 2003:
HP Labs India hosted an
international conference in Bangalore to promote multi-disciplinary
research approach to innovate for emerging markets
Blogs discussing Project Miljul:
Rodriguez on Deep Hanging Out
on Project Miljul Etech session
Beasts on Project Miljul
on Project Miljul presentation
Personal involvment:
Design Research Lead: Ethnographic research, Service audit & mapping,
User motivation frameworks
Things that influenced me:
Hanging Out at Intel Research Lab
Centred Design as defined by Constantine & Lockwood, Ltd