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Priya Prakash :: P r i y a s c a p e :: Design Of Tools, Conversations & Experiences
Miljul: Wireless Service Design Study

The different stages in a mobile user's life and their relationship with their mobile phone
'Life stages of a mobile user' A framework

Street-side interfaces in India are covered in plastic or are chained against theft
Downtown Mumbai even has a mobile temple or a typical 'human manned ' telephone booth
Horoscopes of all types are very popular ...
Unorganised sector ie. blackmarket and organised sector ie highstreet mobile phone vendors
Mapping the mobile service offerings to different types of street vendors
About the Project:

Project Miljul started out as an ethnographic investigation on how wireless technologies affected the daily lives of people engaged in highly mobile street-based professions in urban Indian cities: Mumbai, Pune, Banglore, and Delhi.

Project Miljul received a research fellowship from New media organisation SARAI, Delhi to study alternative service propositions for Indian mobile phones, based on popular urban Indian street culture

Project Miljul was presented at:

O'Reilly ETech 2004 [Speaker]
[Session Untethered]:

Project Miljul: A study in Wireless Service Design for Emerging markets
Download presentation from here [ppt 6.9MB]

HP Contextual Invention 2003:

HP Labs India hosted an international conference in Bangalore to promote multi-disciplinary research approach to innovate for emerging markets

Blogs discussing Project Miljul:

Evelyn Rodriguez on Deep Hanging Out
PhysComp on Project Miljul Etech session
Social Beasts on Project Miljul
Multiplicity on Project Miljul presentation

Personal involvment:

Design Research Lead: Ethnographic research, Service audit & mapping, User motivation frameworks

Things that influenced me:
Deep Hanging Out at Intel Research Lab
Usage Centred Design as defined by Constantine & Lockwood, Ltd

Roadside photographer in Mumbai on his usage of mobile